Owning, registering, insuring, or driving a Jeep implies knowledge of and intent to abide by the following rules, regulations, and guidelines. Failure to obey the letter or spirit of the rules may result in your being ignored by other Jeep owners as you sit along the side of the road next to your stalled vehicle in a blizzard surrounded by Saturns, Yugos, and Hyundais.
"The Jeep Wave: An honor bestowed upon those drivers with the superior intelligence, taste, class, and discomfort tolerance to own the ultimate vehicle - the Jeep. Generally consists of vigorous side-to-side motion of one or both hands, but may be modified to suit circumstances and locally accepted etiquette."
Status is determined by model AND build! If the Jeep ahead of you is better built and
upgraded, or dirtier than you are, YOU are probably of lower class!
These are simplified rules, not definite rankings.
In all seriousness though, there's no need to read too much into it, just don't be a goofball and ignore your fellow Jeepers. Wave to anyone who hasn't been a bonehead and lost that respect. We think our simplest rules cover it quite well